Sikh Genocides (Ghallughare)

Sikhs from the time of their origin are under government persecutions. Sikhs had a very less peaceful time till now and that was the time when Sikhs were in power. Its history, that when Sikhs were in power, there was peace, development, economic prosperity, justice, religious freedom, education, and equality in the empire.   

When Sikhs were not in power even then they stood for human rights. The DNA of Sikhs is programmed through Gurbani which makes them stand honestly for the right and humanity against tyrants. This thing makes the tyrant governments against Sikhs. The governments directly or indirectly tried to shut the voice of Sikhs. Sometimes the persecution was supported by some false reasons by propaganda to make it legal and sometimes the persecutors were not willing to explain anything.

The ten stages of genocide are given by Dr. Gregory H Stanton (President, Genocide Watch). We can see all those stages in the persecution of Sikhs. Only stage number ten (Denial) was not present in the persecutions before 1849. After 1849, when Sikhs were under British and India, the ‘Denial’ stage is also applicable to the genocide of Sikhs, especially after 1947.


Sikhs had undergone persecution a lot of times in history. Here we can talk about three major genocides of Sikhs till now. Those are as follows. Let’s study those in detail.