Sikh Personalities

Sikh personalities are necessary to mention here who lived their life as a Sikh which is exemplary not only for Sikh community but for all humankind. Life of the Sikh personalities is always a guide for a Sikh to choose right path and to do right acts. The study of the life of Sikh Personalities aware Sikhs about who they are, what’s their ultimate aim of life, how to face difficulties and how to sacrifice their life for faith, righteous and humanity. Life of these personalities will also create awareness among the whole world about Sikhs.

We have divided the Sikh personalities’ data according to the time period for better understanding. These are as follow.

  • 1469 – 1706 (Ten Guru’s time)
  • 1706 – 1849 (Struggle and establishment of The Great Khalsa Empire)
  • 1849 – 1947 (Sikhs under Britishers)
  • 1947 – till date (Under Indian regime)
Sikh Personalities during ten guru's time (1469 - 1706)
Sikh personalities in Struggle and establishment of The Great Khalsa Empire (1706 - 1849)
Sikh Personalities when Sikhs were under Britishers (1849 - 1947)
Under Indian Regime (1947 - till date)